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Which Home Comfort Protection Plan is right for you?

By October 1, 2019July 28th, 2021Maintenance
home comfort protection plans

Last month we reviewed Why Annual Maintenance on Your Furnace Makes Sense and Saves You Money!  This month we will go over the three Home Comfort Protection Plans we offer; Silver, Gold, and Platinum. At Hauck Bros., Inc. we focus on making sure your HVAC equipment system makes you, your family, or your employees as comfortable as possible while promoting a healthy indoor environment. We also want to make sure your HVAC equipment operates as efficiently as possible throughout its’ life cycle. To this end we use the ACCA Standard 4 as the basis for our inspection lists.  According to ACCA, “There was no way to determine if the many types of “seasonal tune-ups”, “clean and checks”, and “maintenance services” performed on HVAC equipment were equivalent. ACCA developed this standard to provide a nationally-recognized, manufacturer-endorsed set of inspection tasks which would meet this need. This standard establishes the minimum tasks that should be performed for HVAC equipment maintenance inspections. From this base, consumers can compare the value of the additional recommended corrective actions which may be needed to remedy identified faults. For contractors, it provides a common platform for creating a maintenance program, while allowing for bundling different recommended corrective actions at different fee structures.” All of our plans cover inspecting and checking your HVAC equipment as part of a task list that you review when we are done. These checks are extensive, check out our Home Comfort Protection Plans page to go over each list for each type of equipment.

Platinum Home Protection Plans

Our Platinum Home Comfort Protection Plan has it all!  ACCA and Energy Star Compliant, our Platinum Plan is truly one plan that covers everything about your HVAC unit.  We cover all the bases when it comes to your HVAC equipment.  With potential annual savings of $1,360 or more!

Main Program Features:

  • Meets Energy star recommendations
  • Meets ACCA National Standard Task List qualifications
  • 3 Year parts and labor warranty
  • No Service Charge
  • Same Day Priority Status for repairs
  • Pre-Season Scheduling
  • Minimum 15% discount in repair parts
  • Discount on Accessories
  • $50 per year Purchase Accrual, credit towards new equipment *Must remain in plan to keep accrual
  • 2 Year Inflation Protection, (price protected)
  • Water Heater maintenance included
  • Humidifier maintenance included and Pad replacement included
  • Refrigerant Adjustment if needed
  • Wax Outdoor unit

ACCA National Standard Task List

  • Blower Wheel Cleaning
  • Burner Cleaning
  • Clean Coils
  • Condensate Treatment
  • Humidifier Check
  • Media Filter Replacement

How does it add up to a potential $1,360 savings or more? Here’s what is included in the Platinum Plan and the approximate value it saves in material and labor.  Some of these tasks are only done on certain equipment and not on all equipment, see our Home Comfort Protection Plan for more details.

  1. Cleaning the blower wheel, up to $165.75
  2. Cleaning the drains/traps, up to $165.75
  3. Changing batteries in thermostat, up to $8.08
  4. Replacing the hot surface ignitor, up to $228.81
  5. Wax the outdoor unit, up to $120.07
  6. Add refrigerant, THIS IS NOT A REPAIR, up to $264
  7. Replace T &P (Temperature and Pressure) valve, up to $257.80
  8. Clean inlet / flue pipe, up to $165.75
  9. Heat exchanger minor cleaning, Up to $82.88
  10. Purchase accrual per year, $50
  11. Hot water tank maintenance, $99
  12. Chemically Clean Coils, (if required), $75
  13. Condensate treatment, $25
  14. Humidifier check, $48
  15. Replace One Media Filter $51
  16. No Service Charges, $158 for two calls
  17. Air Freshener, $5

Gold Home Comfort Protection Plans

Our Gold HCPP complies with Energy Star recommendations for annual maintenance and is based on ACCA standard 5 . With potential savings of $261 or more!

Main Program Features:

  • Meets Energy Star Recommendations
  • 3 Year parts and labor warranty
  • No Service Charge
  • Same Day Priority Status
  • Pre-Season Scheduling
  • Minimum 15% discount in repair parts
  • Discount on add on accessories
  • Discount on Accessories
  • $25 per year Purchase Accrual, credit towards new equipment *Must remain in plan to keep accrual

ACCA National Standard Task List

  • Condensate Treatment
  • Media Filter Replacement
  • Clean Coils

How does it add up to a potential savings of $261 or more? Here’s what is included in the Gold Plan and the approximate value it saves in material and labor.  Some of these tasks are done on certain equipment not on all, see our Home Comfort Protection Plan for more details.

  1. Condensate treatment, $25
  2. No Service Charges, $158 for two calls
  3. Replace one media filter, $51
  4. Purchase accrual per year, $25
  5. Water Clean Coils, $10
  6. Air Freshener $5

Silver Home Comfort Protection Plans

Our Silver HCPP is based on ACCA standard 5 . Potential savings of $158 per unit! 

Main Program Features:

    • 2 year parts and labor warranty
  • No Service Charge
  • 24 Hour Priority Status for repairs
  • Pre-Season Scheduling
  • Minimum 15% discount on repair parts
  • Discount on Accessories

How does it add up to a $158 savings? Here’s what is included in the Silver Plan and the approximate value it saves in service calls.

*No Service Charges, $158 for two calls

Do these savings seem too good to be true?

Here’s an example with made up numbers just to show the basic difference between not having a HCPP and how it pays for itself.  In this example we have a pretty standard Miami Valley customer with a thermostat, natural gas furnace, air conditioner, humidifier, media filter, and a made up repair equaling $650 that involved a leak in the lineset that was repaired. before any discount is applied that we do a heating and cooling check on in the course of a year. All prices listed are up to amounts.

Replace Air Filter$0$0$70$83
Clean Blower Wheel$0$166$166$195
Clean Drains and Traps$0$166$166$195
Change Thermostat Batteries$0$8$8$9
Replace Hot Surface Ignitor$0$229$229$269
Wax Unit$0$120$120$141
Service Charge (two per year)$0$0$0$158
Chemically Clean Coils$0$79$79$98
Water Clean Coils$0$0$10$12
Condensate Treatment$0$0$25$28
repair cost (minus refrigerant)$328$328$328$386
Air Freshener$0$0$0$5
Humidifier Check (includes New Panel)$0$45$48$48
Water Heater Maintenance$0$99$111$111
Savings Total$1,674$499$379$0

Is this example a little extreme? Not if you follow the manufacturer recommendations for annual maintenance, Energy Star requirements for annual maintenance, and ACCA Standard 5 requirements for maintenance.  Not to mention the Purchase Accrual Program for Platinum and Gold HCPP. Up to $50 per year is earned by staying in the program and that money is used to help pay for a new system when it is time for a replacement system.

Remember that the Gold Plan gets another year of parts and labor warranty and same day service priority.

To get more information and to sign up, call us at 937-325-0636 or contact us online!

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