In the Miami Valley, most homes and businesses have both heating and cooling systems installed to keep the occupants comfortable year-round. There are many risks out there that can threaten the safety of your family or business; fire, flooding, carbon monoxide, debris, animals, freezing temperatures, intruders, brownouts, and surges are just some of the risks of owning a home or business. There are many products out there that are designed to keep everyone protected and safe. There are other products that will keep the HVAC equipment safe, in better working order, and hopefully maximize the life of that equipment. Products that offer monitoring, are designed to alert the owner of problems around the clock, even if you are not home, all through a common smart device like a tablet or cell phone. Smart security measures are vital to guarding your home or business and keeping all the occupants safe and comfortable. Here are some of the products we offer and what they protect:
Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors
Fact: About 3,400 Americans die each year in fires and about 17,500 are injured.
Fact: A fifty percent reduction in fire fatalities since the introduction of smoke alarms into the home
Offered as stand-alone units or combination units, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are critical equipment for any home or business. Ohio guidelines for residential smoke detectors is that for new construction of homes every level of the house needs a smoke detector and all occupied sleep areas need one as well. Ohio guidelines for commercial smoke detectors is that for most systems in a commercial setting with a design capacity greater than 2,000 cfm return air, they are required to be installed. For commercial purposes, duct mounted smoke detectors are common.
Fact: replace smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors every 7-10 years.
Fact: In just two minutes, a fire can become life-threatening. In five minutes, a residence can be engulfed in flames.
Fact: Each year, more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning not linked to fires, more than 20,000 visit the emergency room, and more than 4,000 are hospitalized.
Combination alarms save space, money, and time. You’ll only have to change the batteries once a year for one device and replace that device every 7-10 years, depending on manufacture guidelines. Some models of smart detectors have voice warnings that tell the owner where and what the problem is. Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are available as well. They can even alert your smart device of a problem, protecting even while you are away. There are other features that matter and help, some models test themselves, have night lights built in, can tell the difference between steam and smoke, and can be quieted by a smart device.
Water and Freeze Sensor
Leaks and frozen pipes can cause serious damage to your home or business. Water and freeze sensors can be used to get an early alert of an issue before it turns into a disaster. Placed around water sources inside the house, they will alert you to a problem as it occurs. Smart water and freeze sensors can be connected to your smart device that monitor and inform you of problems even if you are not there. Multiple sensors can be installed to the network to pinpoint problems as well.
Surge Protector
Make sure your furnace, air handler, air conditioner, heat pump, boiler, and ductless mini split system are protected from damage due to surges. There are two main ways surges occur in your system, lightning and switching surges. Lightning surges are random events, but switching surges can occur every day from normal use of common appliance to normal operations of the power company. Both types of surges are able to be protected against. We recommend all appliances and electronics in your home or business be protected from surges. Your heating and cooling system can be protected by an additional add on surge protector. Some models offer connected equipment warranties as well to cover losses from surges.
Wi-Fi Thermostat
A thermostat’s basic function is to regulate the heating and cooling system by sensing the temperature and performing a heating or cooling action to maintain that set temperature. Wi-Fi connected thermostats offer additional features to monitor and protect your home or business. When properly set up, some smart wi-fi thermostats can monitor and inform the owner of issues such as indoor freezing temperatures, filter replacement needed, service reminders, and even equipment failure.
Additional Protection Accessories
Hauck Bros., Inc. offers other accessories that can be used in conjunction with your heating and cooling system to protect and monitor your home or business. Line set covers, air conditioner covers, air filtration systems, home automation products, wind baffles, hard start kits, and condensate pumps are a few of the accessories that can be added to protect your equipment. Need some more recommendations from our professionals? Schedule a consultation today!